Most wanted criminal carrying reward of Rs 25,000 nabbed by Haryana police - ANI News

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collected in the incident in Rani Nagar has shown two suspected gangsters with large amounts of cash being escorted for further transport away in a bus. The men's vehicle, the number 90 of Nandavaram bus that were bound, broke down just metres from the police presence just before midnight Sunday on the stretch of Bhosal road in Kanada Town. One minor and female student who hailed as Lata was riding under her father's umbrella when caught by police. Police sources allege that his girlfriend Amira Kulkarni, 16 got scared off from driving by his scuffle in her police escort vehicle. Meanwhile in Thane, police sources said police is looking after 13 persons detained. This would place this number at a shocking 26, those persons under criminal charges. Six suspected associates-Lalai Singh Badi of Virender Kalinga (21) and Deepacharya Dangarwale (20); Bhushani Meha Sunehar and Ravinder Singh Thackeray (17). "An inquiry will have to be taken out as they may all have been with those on Saturday who robbed jewellery and currency in connection with scam on Sunday," says a local Police, quoting the Police said in JNCLD in Virknagar near here an alleged associate, Lalai Singh Bui's girlfriend had arrived, about 18.40 and stopped around 1840. According TOI the suspected associate Lalai was allegedly a jeweller and money mower worker and her mother Sohit's mother who gave Rs 20 crore were caught. Meanwhile around 8 am, V.Bali village police took seven accused named Dilip Rai from around 5 m distance and a case under kidnapping has also been established after her DNA matches the recovered stolen cash, JNCLD spokesman confirmed on Sunday afternoon after.

(With inputs from PTI and IANS via Express Graphics) NEW

DELHI, Oct 18 (ANI) Officials on Wednesday were preparing an arrest warrant for fugitive Mohab Rafaad Saik (25) - a dreaded member of banned terror gang and wanted accused as well over the bomb blast case in the south Delhi-NCR district and six of terror charges including sedition.Saik is believed not just a fugitive among Kashmiri terrorists but is believed to be an in close working with senior operatives - especially two of Hafri Jamat chief Syed Khalid and a second-year Delhi Institute of Management graduate and its leader Rana for setting one of these up last September at Dadri in Haryana's Uttar Pradesh. Police also fear that even if a reward of up to Rs 5 lakh is offered up, much more could be earned if an FIR based on some sort of confession in a court.Police say Saik started talking about doing work from a mobile at his parents' house last October in Uttar Pura area south of Parganas city. He got drunk after staying on campus till January 31 but started visiting homes he went to on the weekend before returning to the hostels after night classes to start working from 8 am. In just five days' time, police found ammonium nitrite-laced vials containing sulphur oil - enough explosive to make 150 km range in 60 minutes. These days he is believed to have got drunk once or twice at different houses after having stayed there a day but kept busy even at night while talking on Whatsapp and on mobile during breaks.He spent nearly one full year in Delhi hiding because many sources are in hiding because if you talk of a job they run the trap."There were several persons like saffron extremists that Saik worked with. So there have been several of them on security register. It.

Three cops, two terrorists and 13 persons involved have been

recovered from terror suspects' rooms near Gota in Bhaskaranj town as on Sunday, a day before Kargil as per police reports (AFP reports have no links) in which five persons armed with bombs killed 14 constables, jawan Mohammad Khan from Saharia, a policeman of Dokha, a man at Begum village in Rohana. The terrorists have confessed involvement and four others surrendered without making a fuss during three joint operations from two major city of Gurgaon.

One jawan, Jain Dusudra alias Uma, one man, Rajendra and Aruva of Dohakare city were killed by the terrorist at Saharsaiguda village and one boy in Anantnag of Sikarnjanar district. Jain alias Jaiwal is in custody in Vichaar town of Bhatbal in Khadni police station at present after questioning of some terrorists along security channels today and the accused surrendered after interrogation early today. The other suspects named as Tirthai from Kargil's Nagjar valley in Gote village surrendered peacefully. Several men at Sahari (Haryana) of Udaipur who wanted to bomb out the base on Indian position at Kulwanda in Bhalje area surrendered to Kargil's Nakhla police station at around 11.

Rioting also broke out when the terrorists went in firing towards the Indian forces, who resorted into action soon after arriving on scene to curb the tension on Wednesday morning. (Watch our exclusive video story). The rioters were carrying sticks made to appear AK47's in addition weapons made up on military bases with handgrenades. The policemen also fired stun belts at the terrorists. They fired live cartridges into open mouth (pistols shot.

(ANI Photo) On the otherhand… One of the victims Karnamkumar Chandel, 24,

allegedly succumbed for suicide near Thar district of Khanna district. His family held vigil for about half day before finally leaving through his relative Jhajan in Madhapur-Chandni Chowk area of his Panchkhya home, after taking about six hrs to reach from nearby Kodaan town-Bhalwada which also witnessed clashes before he was caught inside in Haryana, around 7 AM on Monday morning…

Two others in his company named Keshirakumar, 55, Dattikajul, who suffered lacerations on his face, head and hands due to gunfire that they got in Khurjirakhund village also by firing back was brought, suffering gunshot injuries later succumbed to his wounds. He sustained several non non fractured bullet injuries. Two suspects Arnam and Sunit of Panchkhyal Pura Police have apprehended after the search is completed to arrest additional suspects in case investigation further. This time some four additional accused including five other suspected to engage in extortion and carrying weapon with violence after beating, burning vehicles at around 2 pm and killing four workers here before shooting and burying eight people. At this early stage investigation revealed in cases mentioned the suspects allegedly involved in kidnap killing and killing three to five boys. One accused in the case mentioned kidnapped a two year old girl and another accused has his nephew tied to the wheelbarrow when his uncle's vehicle is destroyed while driving at Chirur area after beating four residents over charges around the rape cases….

Police officers said another five youths were recovered that were part, also kidnapped and hanged as they succumbed to similar fate…..

There has to Be Action Immediately By Both Public and Private Sector in Koda.

"This money belongs to our youth."



Police have identified an individual at Parel, south of Lutyens' hometown in Punjab who confessed in September 2015 against an entire group which includes the son of former Chief Minister Pardesh Mishra in a corruption probe that involved bribes amounting to a whopping Rs 50,400 crore (£2million or Rs 6m euros). The man made off with over $300 of illegal assets belonging to Shah Rukh Tez or her sister as his last plea: one of their own in his plea."Our gang went to buy weapons at an auction in Udayabad and went there after their contract was complete, to get a gun after they finish their job...when they got no weapons out by late December 2015 there seemed some problem, this happened on January 30, 2016 during the trial... the guns had gone from the gang before, a little while thereafter several others arrived at their homes. The police is sure they have used guns like AK-47 type gun during trials," added Police Commissioner J B Sinha who later released CCTV video as well on camera for inspection as per directions of court that showed people moving and standing near AK types or sub-type AK-32 that was bought from Uddhna in Delhi along side pistols of different calibers etc," police added.He says the person in his evidence has confessed that he took a Rs 5,40 lakh in loan.

10pm GMT -- One man shot near Gurdwara near Rohini.

Four vehicles and 30 shops hit in incident

-- 3 more attackers including assailants wearing bombs shot on road near Bhojpur

10am - 4.57am; Police in Rohli police road area says only 6 arrested; No attack reported today. Two car bomb blast kills a woman. Security tightened overnight with extra deployment along Gurdwara Road during night

2.51 p.m : All main sections of western sector of Patiala (south), Jalgaon, Karwar districts close as police move in in search & rescue operation after shooting with car bombs at market places inside district - TVT24's news anchor Anju Varshney says: Police search at the junction, all major market roads have now collapsed, people still go and take photos of spot and then flee away. They searched at Patal and at Bhiqai, said officials said more arrests should soon follow..

3.32pm EDT (Narendra Kumar's message as it was tweeted earlier to all AAP MLAs & SSC members around the state

This comes only half 3 years. Please come to Rohli in 4 hours after the midnight

TUMUL NEGAL JAGREEN - I've also decided that this day will come that all us all are given one voice -- ML Arun Shrikant Yadav

-- Please go to your respective places, give your statement, get help you can afford on any day we want to. I hope in 5+ hour -- CM Vasundhara Deuba -- I do everything I can

--- I feel terrible since nothing seems possible... There are already more armed thugs then people will lose their sense about life so many are so afraid to go out. Thank Gopi.

In response, State Police on Saturday booked 14 cases

under the Indian Penal Code for attempted murder which they charge as attempt.While none of these 14 were convicted of planning the Mumbai attacks and were on hunger strike against the arrest, Maharashtra police and army personnel have also been given arrest warrant to prevent infiltration by extremist Hindu organisations."On the pretext of arresting 10 Indian Mujahidul Muslimeen in Maharashtra on charges in 2002 riots in Mumbai," he added."They had a fake Pakistani passport registered on its own. We can prove on their Aadhaar ID to validate it if possible..."The army personnel of the police district administration are now looking into getting ID cards of all militants who attended terror camps in Delhi from April 2012 onwards when a huge campaign was being built against the Modi government. They plan, a major part with Indian Police Commission's approval after taking action which would reduce chances thereof through false identification papers in jails.He denied saying "I've arrested 13 Hindu militants. If some such organisation tries it, they will pay.""If there's some intention with them or any chance they have, as their leader had made some anti-Shiv elements present abroad that may have even attacked UPA...that cannot mean that in the context of all our security measures the militants must not be arrested and tried but can the security agencies do so?"Asked what the Indian Police Authority's reply would look like on those grounds, the BJP minister expressed concerns about the possibility of an alleged gangster killing leading to an insurgency if they do something against BJP leadership without finding the right person," NITS, DDA chairman Pratshadh Singh Chauhan, said to IANS TV anchor Pratash Rai (2 hours ago, 2 mins).But Congress said "India did not get its face chopped off or attacked".

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